Tuesday 15 May 2007

Public money & Separate schools in Ontario

Publicly funded religious (mostly Catholic) schools in Canada are called "separate schools," or as Wikipedia would define them, as publicly funded schools with religious education embedded in its curriculum. While most religion oriented schools in Canada no longer receive public funds, my home province of Ontario is an unfortunate exception to this where the Catholic school system receives complete funding from public money. My objection to this has nothing to do with Catholocism, and everything to do with equality and the removal of government sponsored discrimination based on religion.

I would not be nearly as uptight about this if other faiths got their fare share of the pie - but they do not. While several private Muslim, Jewish, and schools of other Christian denominations exist, they all have to fund their operations through the collection of tuition/membership/user fees and alumni donations. In this multicultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious melting pot of a social experiment we have in Canada where equal opportunity is supposedly what we're promoting - Catholic schools should not be given an easier ride than the others. The United Nations has my back on this one too, as their Human Rights Committee has repeatedly chastised Ontario's Ministry of Education for religous discrimination by funding Catholic separate schools but not other separate schools. For those legal/UN charter buffs, it's the equality provision in Article 26 of the International Covenant on Civil & Poilitical Rights which we are violating - a covenant which we as a nation have ratified many years ago.

So why hasn't anything been done about this?

Well popular support isn't really an issue, as several Ontario news polls over the years have shown respondents overwhelmingly favouring a single public school system. The real problem is that the authority for funding Catholic schools goes back to the British North America Act (1867) and to change it would require an ammendment to our constitution - which is a bloody annoying, difficult and lengthy process. As such, I don't believe there has ever been serious effort to ammend it. Some lawmakers are vehemently opposed to opening up the constitution for, well, anything - but there are issues for which it is both wise & where the government leading the charge won't pay a heavy political price. I'm pretty sure this is one of those issues, and I would love to see a proper referendum occur on this in Ontario (similar to Newfoundland's of 1997).

So what would I like to see happen? At the root of it all - just something fair. I'm not die hard in saying that public money shouldn't go towards religous education - but favouring one is plain wrong and if we're gonna do it we gotta open the door for sharing the wealth. One creative alternative option could be to do as British Columbia (BC) has done, where public money still supports some separate schools - just in a more equitable manner. BC has developed a strict set of provincial curriculum & behaviour standards for religious schools, and those who meet said standards are eligible to receive government funds for up to 50% of their operational costs. In addition to Catholic schools, BC also has Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Sikh, and Jewish schools who receive public funds under this policy. Even though I would personally prefer tax dollars financing one public school system for Ontario as that which exists in most provinces - fairness is what's ultimately important here and I would not oppose something like what exists in BC as it is both fair and non-discriminatory.


Unknown said...

This comment came from someone at Highland Secondary School:

I completely agree that it isn't fair for catholic schools to be the only religious school publically funded. However, because it is undeniable that these schools offer a better education to its students (tests can prove it), I don't think its fair for us to critisize them until the public school system is up to par. And where do we draw the line between what private schools (religous or not) should be funded and which shouldn't?

Could it be a better alternative to give tax breaks to students who attend private schools?

Oh no, I think I sound like a conservative.

Unknown said...

My response to the previous comment:

LOL- i'll never use the C-word to describe u!

i've got no problem with Catholic schools, i agree the public system isn't up to par in every district, and i could probably agree that many Catholic schools often even a better education than some of their public counterparts. so my criticism isn't directed towards them at all - but strictly towards the province of ontario for funding their existence while not for other religious schools.

ur absolutely right when u question where we draw the line between what separate schools should receive public funds and which should not - all i'm saying is right now, the way our funding structures r in place wrt to the separate school system is unfair. i'd never advocate removing support in ON without boosting the competency of the broder public system - but even if we aren't yet in position to "do" much about any problem, i think it's always fair to criticize/question the way things are and promote awareness of issues that should be addressed.